Samantha's Father Is Not Happy With Darrin | Bewitched

2021-01-03 96

If you think you know someone with a bad temper, wait until you watch Samantha's (Elizabeth Montgomery) father Maurice (Maurice Evans) finding out that his daughter is married to a mortal.

From Season 1, Episode 10 'Just One Happy Family' - Samantha's father
Maurice comes for a visit and Endora warns her that he will be furious
when he finds out that her husband Darrin is a mortal.

Available on Prime Video:


ABOUT BEWITCHED: United by love, Darrin and Samantha Stephens (Dick York and Elizabeth Montgomery) may look like a classic American couple, but they have a secret that distinguishes them from their suburban neighbors – ad executive Darrin (Dick York) is a mortal, but Samantha (Elizabeth Montgomery) is a beautiful witch.

#60s #Bewitched